MultiVisionnaire Announce New Films for the 2008 European Film Market

Los Angeles, California (January, 2008) — International Sales Agents, MultiVisionnaire of Los Angeles California, is pleased to announce their Berlin EFM Market line-up. The following titles will be screened at EFM in February for world buyers to add to their portfolio:

American Military Intelligence & You! (US Title: Military Intelligence & You!) (Comedy)
A biting commentary on the current US Administrations war on terrorism. This satire is in the form of a long-lost American WWII training film mashed-up new scenes with those from vintage military productions to dramatize the importance of knowing what we’re attacking, before we attack it!

Major Nick Reed is an intrepid analyst for Army Intelligence. It’s his job to locate a secret enemy base whose fighters – the dreaded Ghost Squadron – attack our bombers. Complicating his efforts is a chance meeting with his former love, Lt. Monica Tasty, and her current beau, Major Mitch Dunning. Can Reed find the fighter base in time for the 4th Armored to attack? Will the Nazi learn our next target and send the Ghost Squadron to attack our bombers? Why do some women fall for the bad boys, completely ignoring the good responsible men right in front of them? Learn the answers in ‘At War With Intelligence.’

Cast (Command Central): Patrick Muldoon, Macjenzie Astin, Eric Jungmann, Elizabeth Ann Bennett, and John Rixey. Cast (Achieve Scenes): Alan Ladd, William Holden, Peter Van Eyck, Mel Trome, Don Porter, Elisha Cook Jr., Ronald Reagan.

Body/AntiBody (Psychological Thriller)
Body/Antibody has the kinky romance of THE SECRETARY and chilling sex appeal of AMERICAN PSYCHO. When a man with OCD (Obsessive-compulsive Disorder) opens his heart and door of his germ-free apartment to the most dysfunctional girl in the universe, there will be blood.

5up 2down (Drama)
Set in NYC, 5 Up 2 Down is an astute meditation on the intermingling of friendship and ambition, truth and art.

Santo is a Puerto Rican bohemian hustler of sorts who records his dreams in a notebook, trying to come to terms with their meaning and significance in his current life. Santo’s best friend Hunter, a painter, is a week away from the biggest show of his young career. Instead of dealing with their respective situations, they visit a coke dealer with Hunter’s $10,000 advance in hand and set off on a five-day binge. Santo begins to connect his dreams to his present situation and realizes he and Hunter must change their ways to avoid a destiny of tragedy.

Cast: Isaach De Bankole (Casino Royale, The Diving Bell & The Butterfly, The Guitar – 2008 Sundance Selection), Kirk Acevedo (Invincible, The Thin Red Line, Television: Oz & The Black Donnellys), and Paz de la Huerta (A Walk To Remember, The Guitar – 2008 Sundance Selection).

Full Circle (Romantic Comedy)
A beautiful pan-European production. Two men, an American playboy and an English aristocrat, return to Italy after 25-year absence to search for the daughter one of them may have fathered, and to crash her wedding! A quest of selfish desire becomes a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

For more information, please contact MultiVisionnaire.  

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